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Legal and Organisational Requirements in Coaching


In this video, we'll discuss the legal and organisational requirements pertaining to Data Protection, privacy, confidentiality, safeguarding, and disclosure in the context of coaching.

Code of Ethics

Foundation of Trust: The relationship between coach and client relies heavily on trust, established through sessions and safeguarded throughout.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

Collection of Information: At the outset, certain personal data such as name, contact details, role, and objectives are gathered, ensuring compliance with data protection laws.

Confidential Conversations: Coaching conversations remain private to foster honesty and tangible outcomes.

Confidentiality Assurance: The coach-client relationship is confidential, with no information shared unless the client's safety is at risk or fraudulent activities are disclosed.

Client's Best Interests

Protection from Repercussions: Clients should feel assured that the coach prioritises their well-being, safeguarding against potential negative consequences such as workplace repercussions or missed career opportunities.

Confidentiality Maintenance: Confidentiality breaches, including divulging coaching outcomes to senior managers, are avoided to uphold client trust and organisational integrity.

Safeguarding and Disclosure

Client Protection: As a coach, it's essential to prioritize the client's interests, promptly addressing instances of bullying or harassment by directing them to appropriate support channels like HR.

Legal Obligations: Serious issues endangering client safety warrant disclosure to relevant authorities for investigation, aligning with ethical guidelines and legal mandates.


Adherence to Legal and Ethical Standards: Upholding confidentiality, data protection laws, and privacy forms the cornerstone of coaching practice. However, safeguarding measures and disclosures are imperative when necessary to ensure client safety and compliance with ethical guidelines.