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Understanding Coaching: A Comprehensive Guide

The Coaching Journey

Coaching serves as a transformative journey, guiding individuals from one point to another through adept questioning.

Client Ownership

In coaching, the client takes ownership of the process, setting objectives, timescales, and controlling the direction.

Focus of Coaching

Coaching centres on the present, setting goals and facilitating progress, with the client holding the solutions to their challenges.

What Coaching Is Not

  • Not Therapy: Coaching does not dwell on past issues or provide emotional healing like therapy does.
  • Not Consulting or Mentoring: Unlike consultants or mentors, coaches do not offer solutions but instead empower clients to find their own paths.
  • Not Friendship: Coaching is a client-focused process, distinct from the reciprocal nature of friendships.

Appropriate Coaching Relationships

The suitability of coaching depends on establishing a relaxed, open, and honest relationship between both parties.

Coaching is often conducted by external parties, ensuring an unbiased approach and enhancing the chances of success.

Understanding the distinctions between coaching and other forms of support is crucial in harnessing its benefits effectively.